Dry Land
Gen 1:9 Then God said,"Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so.
Gen 10:25 To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
Gen 11:7-8 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
Peleg division
Men were not divided as to 'tongues and nations' until the events of Gen. 11: 1-9 had taken place; therefore, Genesis 10 gives the earliest division of men after the 'confusion of tongues' and before the earth was divided into continents and islands in the days of "Peleg". In the beginning all people were one and the land or Earth was one. Because of humanism and defiance against God, man failed in obedience to his commands and had to be judged and separated. The earth also had to be separated or was divided at this time.
The word "Peleg" and name means 'division or divide' which is the literal translation. As stated, it was in his (Peleg's) days the earth was split and divided into the isles and continents at the time of divine judgment. It is interesting to note that Peleg was a descendant or son of Eber, which means "across or the opposite side". This referred to the other side of the Euphrates and from this word (Hebrews) is derived. Gen. 14:13. This is an important Bible fact to notice. The word Hebrew was first used in this Scripture and also referred to the descendants of Abraham. This was the first use of the word "Hebrew" instead of the word "Eber", as I understand these meanings.
Another interesting fact:
If the earth was separated in these days according to other Scriptures also, then this means and we conclude it was 'one Earth or body of land' before this day and time. It is said this is why various peoples are being found on the many islands and continents separated so widely by water. It is interesting to note that in the New Earth, the land will again become one body, and will no longer have the large oceans or bodies of water as we have now. (Rev. 21: 1). The new heaven and earth was seen here by John and "there was no more sea". Once again, we see there will be no large bodies of water dividing the territories of the new Earth as in the beginning. This will be the eternal state of the new earth in the third and perfect age to come.
In the New Heavens and Earth we will also be as the "one new man"( Ephesians 2:15) or Body of Christ on Earth and in Heaven. The Earth will be restored to the original plan of God and He will rule and reign in a Theocracy Government as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We shall rule and reign with Him forever in eternity. We will truly be "one World under God glorified and free indeed" because of the finished work of Christ. All glory will be given to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to whom we belong. God's eternal covenants will be carried forth as prophesied and all will be peace forevermore.
Every promise made by God will be fulfilled. O what glory awaits us when we get to that City! We must be "one with the Lord" ( John 17)as He and the Father are one, and we will be in unity with each other.
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